The Iron Pentacle
Prerequisite: Elements of Magic. This six-week course is an intense journey of self-awareness, authenticity, self-actualization and deep, personal magic.Cost:
$100.00 – $300.00 per personDuration:
6 Tuesdays, starts May 20, 6:00pm-9;00pmAbout this experience
The Iron Pentacle is an invitation to discover and celebrate the magic within our body that sings to our spirit. It is a practice that reawakens our essential humanity and our sovereign self.
Working with the themes of sex, self, passion, pride, and power, which comprise the points of the Iron Pentacle, this six-week course is an intense journey of self-awareness, authenticity, self-actualization and deep, personal magic.
As we honor and explore the inherent energy of each point, we will use the magical tools and practices of the Reclaiming Tradition to relearn and reclaim our personal relationship to each. Re-integrating their individual and collective energy within ourselves, we will inspire and nurture self-awareness, personal empowerment, our own sovereign being.
Inherited and adapted from the Anderson Feri Tradition, the Iron Pentacle is one of the core classes of the Reclaiming Tradition.
This class is co-taught by the Rock Mamas, Suzanne & Toni, as they continue to bring their knowledge of the Reclaiming Tradition to our community.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. One BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ scholarship is available. Please connect with Chris at for potential student trade opportunities and scholarship
Your Host

About Toni & Suzanne:
The crystals called to us when we were just little girls and have been our life-long allies. As adults their call deepened and broadened and we listened and followed.
We found wise teachers and dove deep into the world of Crystal Healing, Crystal Mediumship, and Crystal Light Walking – a form of shamanic journeying that lets us travel across the spiritual realms. We now work with the crystals as ancient, wise, and powerful healing partners, that are unfailingly generous with their love, light, and spirit, sharing their energy and wisdom, amplifying our own healing work and offerings with their brilliance.