Drum Making Playshop by The Different Drum
Some of the oldest Magickal tools are the drum and rattleCost:
FREE per personDuration:
3h 30minSchedule:
March 22, 2:30pm-6:00pmAbout this experience
Contact Don to set up which drum you'd like to make!
Have you been waiting for an opportunity to build your own drum? Back by popular demand, The Different Drum will be hosting a drum making playshop!
Some of the oldest Magickal tools are the drum and rattle. Here's a new opportunity to not only make one of your own, infused with your energy and spirit, but to learn more about how to use them!
All paid registrations are due by March 8.
Signing up on our website does not guarantee a spot, you must contact Don!
Payment by:
Venmo (The-Different-Drum), PayPal invoice by e-mail,
CC by phone, or check by snail mail as long as I get it before the due date.
You can contact me by e-mail: drummaker@thedifferentdrum.net,
or by text/phone @ (916) 835-1863
Drum Playshop Prices:
Deer -
14" - $160
16" - $180
18" - $210
Horse -
14" - $160
16" - $180
18" - $210
20" - $260
Elk -
14" - $180
16" - $200
18" - $230
20" - $290
Buffalo -
16" - $230
18" - $260
20" - $320
Yes and no. Yes, Native Americans still make similar drums, but so do a lot of other cultures around the world. These are, essentially, the same kind of drums any of our ancestors might have made thousands of years ago when they were still working with stone tools - only better, thanks to a little modern technology that help longevity. They're truly Pan-cultural and practically part of our DNA - no matter what your background.
Buffalo, Elk, Horse, or Deer. These are all hunted animals - no farm slaughters - and are all blessed and all the parts used long before I ever see the hides.
Tough question to answer, as every drum is utterly different than every other one (the beauty of this particular medium), but IN GENERAL:
Elk - Medium to higher pitch, most versatile, longer resonance, energy varies. Elk is my "go to" hide for almost everything.
Deer - light weight, higher pitched, simple, clean resonance, very "air"/"Higher chakra" kind of feeling.
Horse – this can be all over the place sonically, from the light feel of the deer to the heavier resonance of a large elk. No promises, here. The real appeal of the horse hide is that they’re all natural deaths. No hunting, no farming. I find there’s a serious appeal there for a lot of people.
14", 16", 18" and 20" Yes, generally, bigger is deeper and louder. If you want to wake the dead, do a 20" Buffalo. For ceremonial/divining work, a 16" Elk or deer might be a better choice. You get the idea.
Great! At that point, they get pretty time consuming and aren't group class friendly. Talk to me about what you'd like to do and we'll arrange to have you come up to my Home workshop in Nor Cal for a 1-on-1 session. This works REALLY well for mother drums if you're so inclined.
A sunny disposition, a sense of adventure, and two hands (or a friend with two hands). I supply all the hide, hoops, tools, and materials for drum sticks. Of course, drum sticks!!
Nope, not this time, but I'll happily answer all your questions as to how to personalize your new baby. Save that artistic enthusiasm for making rattles!
About 2-3 hours, depending on the group. About 3-7 days before the drum is ready to play.
Of course! What would be the fun, otherwise?
The rattles are a LOT more free form and are a great exercise for your artistic abilities. Please feel free to bring any beads, baubles, feathers, fur, leather, or anything else that feels good for adornment. I'll bring a bunch of goodies and paints, as well.
NOTE – this is not a series for drummers only!! If you are a practitioner, priest/ess, solitary, or whatever, and you’d like to incorporate drumming into your core practice, this is for you. I’ll be bringing a brace of drums to each session, and possibly a few other goodies, so drums aren’t required, but always feel free to bring one.
This is exactly as it sounds, an introduction with a whole bunch of Q and A. No drums required as this will be primarily lecture. Topics to be included:
Foundations, Meditation, Celebration and Healing.
Pretty much as it sounds. Expect active participation. Drums not required but would be nice. Practitioners welcome and desired.
Topics covered: Personal meditation, guided, and which drums to use under what circumstances. Working with Practitioners and why will also be covered.
This is a participation session for drummers and practitioners alike. If you have a drum, bring it! If you don’t, that’s OK!
Topics to be covered, opening/closing sacred space, raising energy, “talking” to the spirits, types of drums to be used in which situations, planning and “winging it”.
Ah, the original magickal practice. Bring your drums, ailments, ideas, and get ready to get your hands dirty as you’ll be working on your classmates.
Topics covered: Rhythm styles, appropriateness, drum choices.
Your Host

So there we were, a group of strangers, gathered around a fabulous Mother Drum, named “Heart of Peace”. Her human passed out the sticks, and started a simple rhythm. We joined in and played for what felt like only a few seconds.
It was over 45 minutes.
I turned to my wife and said, “I need to make one of these.”
She agreed.
Not “buy”…
So, the journey began – my version of a midlife crisis, I suppose – on the Path of the Drum.
Those first drums were crude, lopsided, a bit askew, but… That sound.
No, I stand corrected. Not sound.
It went clear to my bones, unlocking memories of past lives, visions of unknown places and peoples, connecting me with Spirit in a way I’d never experienced before. The simplicity of nothing more than wood and hide, intertwined in such a way that it transcended itself was actually, well, spiritual.
I had to share.
At first it was a drum here, and a drum there, a couple at a local festival, a few to friends, and slowly, almost painfully so, it began to take over what little time I had left from my mundane job.
So, I quit my job.
I began experimenting with ideas and designs, at first listening to the people telling me what they wanted. And, it worked. Sort of.
But, something was missing. It took me years to figure out what it was.
So I listened to the drums. I communed with them. I asked them what they wanted. Oh, the visions they gave me! I spoke with drum makers in my dreams and in the ethereal and a single, simple command came back.
Let the drums be what they want to be. Don’t force them. Let each have it’s own voice, it’s own personality.
I’m no longer a maker of drums.
I’m a guide
Join me on my journey.